UV 标签彩色数字打印机

Four-color full-color printing: Using the four basic colors of red, yellow, blue, and black, it supports single-color and multi-color gradient color printing. With a wide range of color gamut coverage, it achieves a high degree of color reproduction in printed materials, ensuring color fineness and accuracy. In turn, the visual effect and printing effect of the printed materials have reached an excellent level, to meet the user’s pursuit of the ultimate color expression.
An automatic skew system, which ensures precise alignment of the web during the printing process, thereby improving print quality and efficiency. The system mainly utilizes advanced sensors and sophisticated control mechanisms to achieve automatic web skew. It ensures the stability and consistency of printing.
Can print patterns on coated paper, synthetic paper, writing paper, double-glue paper, PET/PVC/PE laminates, and other media. Wide range of applications, can print wine labels, cosmetic labels, variable data labels, all kinds of stickers, and so on. No need to make a plate, import the picture can be printed.


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深圳创赛捷邀请您重新想象印刷的可能性。无论您是想打入新市场还是优化现有流程,我们的 UV 印刷技术都是您成功的关键。今天就开始改变您的业务--获取报价或给我们发送信息,讨论您的需求。
